Estee Lauder. Clinique. Jurlique. Clarins. Dermalogica. Chanel. Blah. Blah. Blah.
I have used them all with acceptable results. However still I have blackheads, I have eye wrinkle (I just turned 25) and I have combination skin.
Recently I posted about using Vitamin E cream which came in an $11 tube. What I didn't tell you is that the only exfoliator available to me at this tiny little Foodland at 9pm on Sunday night was Clean and Clear. Yuck! So I swallowed my luxury skincare snobbish pride and grabbed the blackhead control, vowing to never talk about it again after that night. Boy was I in for a rude shock. I have now used this for 3 days and all of a sudden, those annoying blackheads that Clinique won't get rid of, that my mother assures me are a natural occurrence (and that squeezing them will only bust open capillaries and make them worse), the blackheads that make me shudder with disgust when I put my face right up to the mirror to inspect and criticise, are starting to clear. My face feels fresh and clean and supple, and the blemishes I have and always dismissed as a result of my makeup fetish, lack of water, and nothing to do with a lack of good skincare (and why would you think that, when you're paying nearly $200 every few months for the most advertised, prettiest looking and most promise-making skincare around?) are disappearing.
So, amazingly, this little princess is now using a Clean and Clear exfoliator and a vitamin E concentrate cream as her skin routine and nothing else (omit the primer and tinted moisturiser during the day) I. AM. AMAZED.
Turns out expensive skin care may not be necessary! you may be thinking 'I knew this all along', or quite the opposite 'my skin reacts to cheap shit' because we are all different with different skin. But I am 25 and have only just discovered the solution to my flaws in a regimen that costed me under $20 at a 7day supermarket, and frankly it would be mean not to share with all you ladies in blogland! So from one product snob to another, go forth and try the el cheapo brands! you may just be surprised (and have spare change for other things, like makeup!)
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