Saturday, May 15, 2010

My 10 Most Influential Women

1. Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball

This woman was a comedic genius, a smoker who lived to 78, model, millionaire, TV sitcom pioneer and best of all REDHEAD! Lucy makes me smile everyday, my bf bought be the I Love Lucy box set for my birthday a couple years ago and I never get tired of her animated, reckless and whimsical humor. I don't just love Lucy, I adore her!

2. Judith Butler

Judith Butler

This woman is the reason I will be attempting the seemingly suicidal (and very expensive) journey of PhD candidacy, she has inspired me to pursue social justice through the fine art of critical theorizing. Haven't heard of her? Google Gender performativity and prepared to have your world rocked! I don't want to over simplify Butler's amazing theories but she basically changed the whole direction of gender studies and feminist critique by concluding that gender isn't something you are, rather it is something you do and does not exist outside of language. That lightbulb moment pretty much made me wet myself...

Butler is a modern philosopher, feminist, activist and amazing writer and I would just die to have chai lattes with her and pick her magnificent brain apart

3. Chloe Sevigny


Besides being a fantastic actress (hello! Big Love!) and managing to pop up in all my favorite indie films and in add campaigns for some pretty amazing designers, hell this girl is just so darn nice to look at. She actually gives me butterflies! serious girl crush on Chloe...

4. Lady GaGa


Yes, yes I know she is so sexually aggressive that she MUST have a dick right? wrong! GaGa is all woman and I have a confession- she is actually my alter ego. My alter ego dug up all my 'I wanna be Kylie' 5 year old dreams, somehow separated from my consciousness and then and took them to a whole new level. Lady GaGa is living 95% of the female population's girlhood dreams in a way that screams 'Fuck you cunts!' across the planet with glitter and a keyboard synthesizer. The woman flat out refuses to wear pants, honestly, what a hero!

5. Beth Ditto

Beth Ditto

So, to be honest, I am a major fatty and have been pretty much my whole life (except for when I was really unwell mentally) Beth Ditto has taught me some really important lessons about being yourself, not just because of the obvious, but because her attitude is 'I'm fucking awesome and I love myself' This is probably the first time I have ever seen some one who is not actually a supermodel act this way, and it makes me proud of who I am. Plus her music just fucking rocks!

6. Angela Davis


Member of the black panthers, revolutionary, writer, women's and racial activist, This woman has been in jail more times then my juvenile delinquent brother. Balls of steel and an amazing passionate spirit.

7. Jenny McCarthy


Not only is she hilarious (Dirty Love anyone?) but she is a vegan, activist for animal rights, Aids and Autism, and an amazing mother. Plus she is hot!

8. Helen Keller

Helen Keller

At 18 months Helen contracted an illness that left her deaf and blind, but this did not stop her from getting a University degree. Taught by the infamous Anne Sullivan, Helen became a writer, teacher and political activist and challenged assumptions of what people without conventional able bodies are capable of

9. Tenzin Palmo

Tenzin Palmo

Buddhist nun and feminist, Tenzin Palmo spent 12 years in a cave in the Himalayas in solitary confinement meditating. Why, you ask? to achieve greater clarity and to be better able to be actively involved in the alleviating suffering, which is the Buddhist way, of course!

10. Ingrid Newkirk

Ingrid Newkirk

Co-founder of PETA, Ingrid has dedicated her whole life to giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. All I can say is bless.

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