So today I took a sick day. I have been feeling really off this past couple days and a quiet day at home was really needed to get myself charged again for the rest of the week. I got to thinking about sick days and how incredibly boring they can get. By lunchtime, you start to get a little sick of watching the same TV sitcom DVD boxset and being in your pajamas. So here are some suggestions for an enjoyable and relaxing sick day that doesn't require too much effort and will take your mind off feeling like poo.
1. Let the animals in

Our pets are our best mates so if you are home for the day, let your pooch in to veg out with you, they also have a profound ability to make us feel better when we are down and sick
2. Give yourself a facial

I know I am stating the obvious here but when we are sick we tend to let ourselves go and feel quite grotty. I face mask followed by a good scrub in the shower makes the world of difference. I picked up this 10.0.6 Be Pure one today and will be trying it out tonight, it cost me $1.99 from Priceline
3. Concoct your own tea

Using a tea strainer, or a teapot with one built in, grab your favorite teas, open the bags and mix them up! then add your own yummies to it. I like to mix camomile with green tea and add lemon zest and grated ginger to the mix. I make a huge pot and take it to bed with me so I have an ample supply
4. Read a Novella

A novella usually consists of no more than a 100 pages or so, therefore they only take a couple hours to read, but in doing so you feel like you have accomplished a hell of a lot by reading the whole darn thing! My favorite sick day novella is Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's, it is much better than the movie and will only take you the morning to get through!
5. Try a crazy color

Try a crazy nail polish color you have always wanted to, but maybe have been reluctant because you feel like it's a bit too out there. The same can go for lipstick and eye shadow. Put it on, wear it around, get used to it. It's not like you're going anywhere. Today I bought BYS Pretty Pastel Mint and I am in love!
6. Email your friends

These days my friends are all around the place, on all four corners of our glorious globe we call planet earth. With modern technology and the fact that I have 4 email accounts, a facebook, a tumblr and a blogspot, there really is no excuse to not keep in touch with those you love, but we just get so darn busy. Therefore a sick day is a really good day to play ketchup with your buddies you haven't spoken to in a while, find out where they are and what they are up to. Emailing them also gives you an excellent outlet to whinge about how shit you feel however don't go into too much detail (people generally don't like being told what color your mucus is...)
7. Youtube old music videos you used to love

Music videos such as TLC (above) The Corrs, Janet Jackson, pre-diva Mariah Carey and that awesome movie length Celine Dion film clip where her husband dies and she is all alone in that big mansion. Don't deny it people, I know you secretly still love this stuff! Don't even get me started on The Backstreet Boys and Take That!
8. Gather Recipes

You don't have to cook anything and you sure as hell may not feel too hungry but when else are you going to have time to hunt new recipes online, go through your old magazines/newspapers and dig up recipes written down for you from friends and relatives and gather them all into one handy location? I could spend hours on finding new recipes and making them vegan and wheat free, also is a great site for vegan user submitted recipes
9. Learn to Knit

Or crochet if you don't know how. Knitting and Crocheting is one of those mindless relaxing activities that many of us wish we could do. So do it! grab yourself a basic pattern (or just learn basic stitches to start a scarf) some yarn and some needles. There are some amazing instructional videos on youtube so that's a great place to start
10. Have a nanna nap

The all important afternoon nanna nap is mandatory for any sick day. It's unnatural, it's lazy, it's a bit naughty and sometimes it can mess with your sleeping patterns a little, but my goodness they're amazing!
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